"The thing always happens that you really believe in;
and the belief in a thing makes it happen."
- Frank Lloyd Wright
In last week’s article about the coming year 2012, I wrote about how times are changing and how it seems that there is an accelerating evolution in human consciousness.
A small but great example
On Thursday my wife and I attended my teenage daughter’s school prize giving ceremony and were privileged to witness another small but great example of the transformation that is happening.
I remember back to my primary and high school days. The degree of rigidity and adherence to tradition that was applied to school functions by the headmasters and their staff in those times may have instilled discipline and good order in the scholars, but it did little to inspire and motivate them.
In contrast, the function at my daughter’s school was nothing short of uplifting - for both scholars and parents alike.
Cop out or inspiration?
In his keynote address, Headmaster of the affiliated primary school and Director of the
high school that my daughter attends - Gavin Keller - chose to depart from normal practice - and showed the audience a twenty-minute DVD.
A cop out, you may think?
Definitely not, as far as I’m concerned.
Gavin had recently attended a conference on schooling methods in Orlando, Florida and in some free time after the conference, did what many of us would…
He headed straight for the magnificent SeaWorld marine mammal adventure park where he was treated to an utterly amazing event and one that held a message that he just couldn’t wait to share with his young schoolchildren back at home.
The DVD, inspiringly titled ‘Believe’ turned out to be a short film of the background to the spectacle that Gavin had witnessed at SeaWorld.
The movie started with scenes of a young boy sitting on a long, golden beach gazing out at some commotion in the water, around 200 metres out to sea. As if drawn by a magnet,
the youngster drags his paddleski to the waters edge, jumps in and heads off to the site of the turbulence.
Killer whales!
There, at play beyond the breakers, are a couple of killer whales, stunningly beautiful creatures with contrasting bands of black and white enveloping their massive frames.
The boy sits, transfixed, just a few metres away from the whales, dreaming of the day when he will be their friend, able to swim and play with them and have them respond, lovingly, to his commands.
As the sounds of the surf recede, the film cuts to another scene, many years later, with the boy now a grown man, working at the Aquatica oceanarium at SeaWorld as one of the human stars of an incredible show that plays to packed audiences daily.
The dream becomes reality
In the show, Orca ‘killer’ whales perform some of the most spectacular feats in concert with their human trainers. Man and mammal clearly love the
interactions the challenges and the adoring applause of the amazed audience, who become slowly but steadily more drenched as the show builds to its dramatic finale.
The show is brilliant but it’s the message behind it that is truly inspiring.
That young boy’s dream came true because of his unwavering belief that he could make it happen and because the clarity of his vision guided him to set about taking the actions that would bring it to reality.
A message for all
As the credits rolled and the school audience burst into spontaneous applause, Gavin Keller rose to say just a few powerful closing words about how schools, like parents had a duty to inspire and equip their students to reach for their dreams…
This was a wonderfully positive and refreshing message that set the tone for a successful event that was thoroughly enjoyed by parents and children alike.
On many occasions people, who have experienced the value of
life coaching, have commented to me: “If only the principles of life coaching were taught, at an early age, in the schools.”
And I agree.
The school of hard knocks
Life experience, or ‘the school of hard knocks’ as some of us would call it, tends to impart a somewhat sceptical nature in most of us. Our youthful dreams fade, our self-belief declines and our hunger and energy for change dissipates as we slowly succumb to the hard reality of the world out there.
But we forget that the ‘world out there’ that we experience is nothing other than the result of our own making - a collaborative human effort aimed at protecting and promoting our fragile egos and based on fundamental misperceptions about the meaning and value of life.
The key is that we can change all of this and there are clear signs around – the Gavin Kellers of the world are a case in point – that people are starting to come to terms with a new, different and
more profound reality.
A step change perhaps?
Perhaps the calamity that we are currently witnessing in the global financial markets will prove to be a catalyst for a step-change in our thinking and rather than rely on other people or things to bring them joy and happiness, people will start to take back their power, believe in themselves and follow their dreams, like the boy in the movie?
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