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Insights: Trust Your Intuition October 06, 2010 |
HiTrust Your IntuitionReaders of Insights are invited to share their comments and feedback on this newsletter, and topics of discussion, in our 'Insights Forum'. Please post your feedback for other readers to view and comment on. We'd love to hear from you. Just click here. "It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover." - Henri Poincar Have you ever just felt for some unexplained reason that something is just 'right' for you but then chosen to ignore the feeling for fear of it being a little impulsive, irrational, ill-advised or even plain silly? I'm sure you have! I know I certainly have. A battle of the minds This is the classic battle of the ego or conscious mind with all its learned beliefs and societally ingrained behaviour norms against the subconscious or intuitive mind that knows what's really best for you. Learning to trust and act on your intuition or inner voice can really set you free to explore the amazing life of purpose that you were meant to experience on earth. What are your life influences? If you have trouble hearing or acting on your inner voice or intuition, take a long hard look at the way you were brought up and your life experiences to date. When I consider my own background and education I can really appreciate why I had trouble connecting with my inner voice. My influences My father's mother died when he was just 12 years old. His own father was devoutly religious with a strict adherence to certain 'rules for life' that had been imparted to him. My Dad's years as an independent young adult were defined by World War 2 in which he served as a non commissioned officer in the Royal Marines. Discipline, loyalty and acting on orders (not impulses) were attributes that were drummed into him. Dad had a difficult life and this shaped his personality as a tough but kind, honest and gentlemanly person with a great sense of humour that provided a release from the apparent harsh injustices of the world he lived in. Like father like son Dad was my role model. And, as you would expect, the somewhat 'programmed' nature of his life experience rubbed off on me. I grew up believing that being a good, honest, hardworking citizen - in other words projecting the right external image to society - was rather more important than doing justice to my seemingly irrational inner voice. A year in the armed services followed by ten years studying and practising Engineering were to further reinforce my logical, ordered, right-brained view of life. Only relatively late in life was I to come to terms with another, very powerful but - until then - subdued side to my personality. Realising my true calling When I started to be attentive to - rather than dismissive of - my inner voice, I began to realize what my true calling was and how far off the track I had veered in my efforts to appease my ego or conscious mind. The experience of tuning in to your life purpose is an exciting and uplifting one as suddenly life becomes infinitely more meaningful. And as you begin to trust your inner voice and act on your intuition you start to awaken to the magic that the universe has to offer. Truly liberating The biggest realization for me was that I was in true control of my life, not my employer, my parents, my family, my community or my society - me! Take it from me, nothing is more liberating!
Warm regards, Bill.
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