Unleash Your Passion for People
Unleash Your Passion for People
by Allan Cameron
Hi Bill
This morning's newsletter abouit changing the world has come at a time that I have been asking that very question of myself. Strangely enough, I do believe the a single person can affect changes to their respective worlds and, yes, we CAN change the world.
I found myself asking the question: "Do I want to change the world?" My answer to myself is, "Yes!" - very emphatically
Over the last few weeks, i have started writing what will ultimately be available as an e-book. It is all about changing the thought paradigms that we all have been caught up with all our lives. Those paradigms that don't serve us have been passed down to us from various sources and we've just accepted them, rather than challenging them.
I am having so much fun writing this book. I hope to share it with you shortly.
Success and take care
Allan Cameron
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