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We're proud to offer you access to two free ebooks that you can read online and/or download and read in your own time.

In addition (offer 3 below) you are most welcome to request our two free 30-page life coaching ebooks that should answer all the questions you may have about becoming a life coach or training with New Insights.

Confessions of a Life Coach

by Neil Asher
(the original founder of New Insights)

Confessions of a Life Coach

Neil founded New Insights back in 2003.

He is no longer involved in New Insights but we remain deeply indebted to him for his research and foresight in creating the original New Insights Life Coach Training Programme. 

In Neil’s ground breaking eBook, Confessions of a Life Coach, he talks in depth about what it's like to be a life coach and offers a  guide to the exact same life coaching models, ideas and techniques that he used to coach over 5,000 people around the world and which are, still, today all incorporated in the latest version of the New Insights Life Coach Training and Certification Programme.

Download this eBook

FRom bridges and ballet to butterflies

by bill and jenni burridge

From Bridges and Ballet to Butterflies cover page

Bill (MD of New Insights) and his wife and coach, Jenni, were invited to be two of many co-authors of a personal development book, Speaking from our Hearts, the brainchild of Paul Lowe.

From Bridges and Ballet to Butterflies, one of the chapters in Paul's book, is presented here as a separate, short, e-book.

It briefly tells the story of how Bill and Jenni – two seemingly polar opposites, originally involved in the engineering and dance disciplines respectively, finally merged their individual strengths and perspectives to follow their purposes in the life coaching industry with New Insights.

Download this eBook


by bill burridge

life coaching ebooks

In exchange for joining our mailing list, we offer you two highly informative, Q&A based, 30-page e-books.

If you are considering a career in life coaching, this is a great place to start. These ebooks aim to provide honest and detailed answers to all of the most pertinent questions that you are likely to want answered.

eBook 1 answers all of the common questions about life coaching and becoming a life coach.

eBook 2 answers questions about New Insights life coach training and why we believe it is world-class and worthy of your serious consideration if you are thinking of becoming a life coach.

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