It is an essential. Most of us dont know ourselves, let alone understand our fellow human beings, and thats why theres so much strife in our world. Most of us go about life just repeating the same mistakes our parents and elders did. Many still dont get it, even in old age still ranting and raving over things that could slide instead, creating disease within the body with unforgiveness and resentment. We live in ignorance, not knowing that we dont always have to be right, that there isnt only one right way of doing things, that other poeples opinions are as valuable as our own, that compromise is a better option, that it is such a nice thing when we co-operate with each other. We let our egos run our lives, because we dont know better - and that is why we all need to go through this course.
Jul 14, 2010
Is life coaching a luxury? by: JM Groenewald Nelpruit
Hi, I personally think it is not and at the same time, it is, because in life there should be anchors where people can go when they are weary and need some advice and to be able to really support and listen to people takes a lot. So in that sense it is not luxurious, although fulfilling and something we are designed to do.
On the other hand it is something that not everybody is capable or has the passion for and to live what you preach, so that is a blessing we have and the benefits of it is to have a luxurious life style, full of a 100% fulfillment and even tapping out of the money flow stream to financial, emotional and self actualization, and that is a luxury.