Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People


programme resources

for TRAINEE LIFE COACHES ENROLLED IN the new insights life coach training & Certification programme



We have just a couple of simple rules:

These Resources are exclusively for your OWN purposes as a trainee (or certified) coach in good standing with New Insights Africa.

Please DO NOT issue the password or allow access to this page, or to our Dropbox, to any third party. DO NOT even share it with a person purporting to be a New Insights trainee without seeking our permission first .


Please click on the relevant link below for a short cut to more about the Programme Resource you want to access:


Resource 1


Dropbox logo

If you're not technically minded please don't worry. We'll try to make this as simple as possible for you!

At New Insights we have chosen to use an application called DropboxTM for most of our so-called 'cloud storage' (or, in other words, online storage of files and videos).

Most of the resources that we will share with you can be accessed via links to our Dropbox, from where you can open or download the files or videos. 

You can watch up to 60 minutes of any video we store on our Dropbox but if the video is longer you will need to download it and watch it on your own computer or device.

You don't need to have an account with Dropbox to access files and videos from the links we supply you with.

However, you may want to consider signing up for a basic account as it is free of charge and comes with 2Gb of storage space. One of the advantages of having your own account is that you can download files from our Dropbox directly into your own Dropbox!

If you would like to consider opening an account here are links to two very good YouTube tutorials that we have sourced for you:

Dropbox tutorial for Windows

Dropbox tutorial for Mac

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Resource 2

introduction to the programme AUDIOS

Introductory audio files

If you enrolled some time ago, you may have received a CD with your Programme material, containing two Introductory Audio tracks. You can access the two tracks from the CD, OR ...

... You can listen to and/or download the same two tracks in mp3 format.

Please click here.

Introductory eCard

If you enrolled more recently, you will have received an eCard with your Programme material (as we discontinued the CD). You can access the three Introductory Audio tracks from the eCard OR ...

... You can listen to and/or download the same three tracks in mp3 format.

Please click here.

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the forum

The Forum at New Insights

The Forum is a simple but very powerful resource to help you learn, share and grow, in order to make the most of your training and coaching experience.

About a week or so after enrolling as a trainee life coach you will receive an email from The Forum Board confirming your username (e.g. joe-bloggs) and password. These are set to the same username and password used to access the Programme Resources.

We have produced a short video explaining how to use The Forum.

To watch it on Dropbox, please click here.

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Social media composite vertical

We have a vibrant Facebook page where we share what's going on at New Insights.

This page is open to the public.

More recently we have established a presence on LinkedIn and Instagram .

We also have a well established channel on YouTube

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NIOL Blog home page

This is a public resource.

New posts are made approximately every two weeks. As a trainee life coach or certified coach you should automatically receive alerts when new posts are uploaded.

You can access the Blog by clicking here.

You can encourage your clients to subscribe by clicking here and then forwarding them the URL.

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the programme guide

Programme Guide cover

Access to your Programme Guide is a fundamental requirement while you are in training.

We realise you may not always have the hard copy with you when you need to look something up, so we have made the document available on our Dropbox. Simply click here.

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Planning for your Certification


Are you a Hare ... or a Tortoise ... or something in between?

It's vital that you put together a proper plan and timeline for completing your life coach certification requirements within the allowed time frame.

To help you with this we've put together a document that outlines two approaches that you may want to adapt or adopt for your own unique needs.

Whatever you do, put together a plan ... and stick to it as far as you can!

Download this useful document 'Planning for your Certification' from our Dropbox by clicking here.

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the new insights code of ethics

New Insights Code of Ethics

You need to sign and submit the Code of Ethics Declaration before starting out with your practice coaching.

This document is in PDF format and is 'fillable' meaning that, if you and your witness have digital signatures, you can complete it without printing it out .

The file is secured to prevent unauthorised editing of the contents. You will need a version of Adobe Acrobat Reader that is no older than Acrobat X to open it. If needs be, you can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website. Click here.

You can access/download both the full Code of Ethics and the  Code of Ethics Declaration form from Dropbox by clicking here.

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skills training MODULES: audio recordings

audio recordings

We realise that sometimes it may be more convenient to listen to the skills training material rather than to read it, particularly for those of you who are 'Auditory' types!

With that in mind Bill recently embarked on and completed an ambitious project to convert all seven Skills Training Modules into mp3 based audio recordings. The result is over 24 hours of recorded information!

You can now listen to ST 1 in four parts, ST 2 in three parts, ST 3 in five parts, ST 4 in three parts, ST 5 in four parts, ST 6 in four parts and ST 7 in five parts.

You are welcome to access and download the available mp3 recordings from our Dropbox. These are offered as a resource exclusively for New Insights Trainee and Certified Life Coaches on version 5.

It is a condition of access and use that you do not share the recordings with any third party.

Please click here.

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Flipbook image


We know many of our trainees would love the convenience of being able to access their skills training modules online. Well, now it's possible.

We've converted all seven of the skills training Modules into online Flipbooks, broken them into parts and combined them with the relevant audio files. So now you can open and play the audio file in one tab on your browser and open the Flipbook version in another!

Optimising the material for Flipbook has required reformatting the material with larger fonts so although the material in printed an online format is the same, the page numbers will differ.

If you come across minor discrepancies between the Flipbooks and the audio files this is due to updates having been made to the Flipbooks but not yet to the corresponding audios. Don't let this bother you.

Click on the Module you wish to study online. A new page or tab will open in your browser:

ST Module 1
ST Module 2
ST Module 3
ST Module 4
ST Module 5
ST Module 6
ST Module 7

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SKILLS TRAining Theory: Self Test Assignments

self test assignments

On completion of each of the seven skills training Modules you are required to complete and submit a self test assignment. The assignments must be sent in by email.

You can choose to download the self tests in either Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format from our Dropbox.

We suggest you download all seven and keep them on your computer.  However, you should complete and submit them individually after each Module.

To access the self tests please click here.

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SKILLS TRAINING Theory: Final Exam

Theory exam

We have prepared a document that will  provide you with comprehensive guidelines for booking, preparing for and writing the theory exam.

You can download that document, in PDF format by clicking here. If you have any problems downloading the document you can request a copy to be sent to you on email.

Be sure to read the exam guidelines thoroughly (including the prerequisites) before making an exam booking request, which you can do by clicking here.

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practice coaching: finding clients


You'll need to find at least eight volunteers to be your practice clients for certification purposes.

Your full programme clients should ideally be bona fide third parties (not people you know well).

If you need some help finding clients, why not take a look through our free life coaching page. There are plenty of members of the public looking for free coaching and happy to volunteer. You can reply to their posts or even post as a trainee coach and get them to contact you.

Please click here.

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LiFE coaching system: session notes for practice coaching

coaching notes

When you are ready to start practice coaching you can download the relevant coach, coaching and client notes you need for the relevant session(s) from our Dropbox.

The session notes are all 'fillable' meaning that they can be completed electronically  in the event that you or your client prefer not to print them out and write on them.

These PDF files are secured to prevent unauthorised editing of the content. To open them you and your client will need to have a version of Adobe Acrobat Reader that is no older than Acrobat X. If needs be, you and/or your client can download the latest version of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website. Please click here.

Remember that you may not give your practice clients (or any one else) access to our Dropbox. You would need to download the notes either to your own Dropbox or to another file on your device before forwarding to your client(s).

Please access the session notes by clicking here.

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simulated coaching videos

life coaching videos

We offer you access to a series of simulated coaching videos that derive from the original New Insights coaching system of 13 sessions (currently 15 sessions).

Be sure to check your Coaching Session Guide before viewing these videos so that you understand the changes that have been made since then.

You can play and view up to 60 minutes of each video directly from our Dropbox. To play a full video longer than 60 minutes you will need to download it and play it on your own device.

You can access these videos by clicking here.

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LPC Identifier Composite Sample

Once you become a certified life coach, you'll have the option to use the New Insights Life Coaching System in your coaching practice.

To protect the integrity of the System and ensure it is used only by certified coaches who agree to uphold certain standards, we allow this subject to the purchase of a license, which is valid for the calendar year in question and which needs to be renewed annually.

For more details on becoming a "Licensed Practitioner Coach" once you are certified, and the modest fee, this entails please click here.

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FEEDBACK FORMS for practice clients

client feedback

Tutorial video:

To ensure you understand exactly what is required please first watch a brief explanatory video by clicking here.

Sessions 1 and 2 feedback:

After you have completed a Session 1 and 2 with a client please direct him or her to our website where there is an online feedback form to be completed. Send your client this link and password (a valid link should direct back to a separate password protected page on this New Insights website):

URL:  http://bit.ly/Feedback1-2
Password: Freedom

Mid-Programme feedback:

Once  your full programme clients have completed Session 8 in the programme please ask them to complete a mid-progamme feedback form. Send your clients this link and password:

URL: http://bit.ly/Feedback-Mid
Password: Confidence

End-of Programme feedback:

Once  your full programme clients have completed Session 15 in the programme please ask them to complete an end-of-progamme feedback form. Send them this link and password:

URL: http://bit.ly/Feedback-End
Password: Growth

Free-form session feedback:

Once your practice client has completed a free-form coaching session with you, ask him or her to complete our free-form session feedback form. Send your client this link and password:

URL:  http://bit.ly/Feedback-Freeform
Password:  Prosperity

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self reflection questionnaire

self reflection

Once you have completed all of the required practice coaching, you are required to complete and submit a Self Reflection Questionnaire. (You can read more about this in your Programme Guide).

It's a good idea to download this form before you start practice coaching so you are properly primed to monitor and take cognisance of the growth you will experience throughout the practical element of the programme.

Please download the editable MS Word document from our Dropbox (if you do not have Word you can download the Text version) by clicking here.

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Coach Identifier ELITE Sample

If you have chosen the ELITE certification track you will need to understand how your mentor coach is appointed and the terms of engagement with your mentor coach.

Further information and guidance in this regards can be gleaned by clicking here.

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certificate extract

If you have chosen the PRO certification track you will be required to meet additional certification requirements.

Further information and guidance in this regards can be gleaned by clicking here.

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Coaching Competency Assessment (PRO TRACK)


If you chose, or have upgraded to the PRO Track you'll need to make a recording of both Sessions One and Two that you run with the same practice client. Then you'll need to submit this to New Insights for an assessor to review.

Achieving a 'Competent' rating for this assessment is one of the certification requirements at the PRO level. More details are available in your Programme Guide.


We have prepared a Guideline document to help you understand and prepare for this assessment. In addition we offer you a copy of the assessment Report Template which will help you understand what is tested and how.

Both of these documents are available to download from our Dropbox. Please click here.

Client Consent

Before you record practice coaching sessions you will have to get the consent of your practice client. For this purpose you should send your client the following link and password:

URL: http://bit.ly/client-consent-form
Password: starclient

Self Assessment

Once you have completed recording Sessions One and Two and are ready to submit them for review you should complete a Self Assessment form, which you can access online by clicking here.

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The New Insights advocacy Scheme

advocacy scheme

If you love what New Insights has to offer and are prepared to act as an advocate for our life coach training and certification programme, we'll make it worth your while!

If you play a significant role in influencing another person to enrol for our training, you can qualify for a generous advocacy fee ... but only if you have registered for our scheme.

Click here for more details and to register.

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BUILD Your Own Website

Solo Build It!

If you're advanced in your training or you're already a certified coach, you'll be looking to build a website to showcase your services.

Take it from us ... nothing beats the power, effectiveness, ease of use and affordability of Solo Build It!  (or SBI).

Click on the image above to see what we mean.

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WRITE US a Testimonial

Thank you

In our business, just as in yours (or the one you'll soon have) word of mouth is the most powerful means of marketing.

We'd greatly appreciate it if you could consider sparing a few minutes to write a brief testimonial for New Insights Africa. We have designed a simple form to make it easier for you.
Please click here

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